"A craftmans eyes work twice as hard as his hands"

CALL: (610) 637-3589
P.o. box 748
Unionville, PA 19375


Farrier Services, Gait Analysis, & Hoof Problem Diagnosis

Stephen Teichman Farrier in Unionville, Pennsylvania, provides professional farrier services, gait analysis, and hoof problem diagnosis. Let us help your horse perform at its best.

Farrier Services
In an effort to provide the best farrier service, we make every attempt to attend the larger competitions throughout North America and Europe, including the Oakes in southern California, Calgary in Canada, Burghley in central England, Rolex, and the spring jumper show in Lexington, Kentucky. We also work with individuals are preparing horses for the Olympics.


High-Speed Photography Gait Analysis
High-speed cameras are helpful in determining flight and hoof landing patterns. We take between 400 and 1,000 frames per second to help us examine the movements of horses with more difficult interfering problems.

Farrier, Farrier Services in Coatesville, PA

Infrared Photography
We use infrared photography in conjunction with a veterinarian's assistance to help us determine the source of some of the more subtle equine hoof of problems. Our high-tech T 400 infrared camera uses excellent software and is a great diagnostic tool.

Helpful Links:

• American Farrier Association • Anvil Magazine
• Lessiter Publishing - American Farriers Journal • Turning Point Farm
• Equine Resources • Korean Adoption Opportunities
• Hoofcare and Lameness http://printing-engraving.com/aboutst.htm
• U.S. Event Horse


Service Sample Viedo:





Contact us to request our farrier, gait analysis, or hoof problem diagnosis services.